Wednesday, August 1, 2012


It seems as if the year 2012 just got underway and we are already past the halfway mark with the end of the year not only in sight but, closing in on us quickly (WHEW). Our July visiting teaching message was entitled, Always in the Middle, by President Uchtdorf.

He said, "July marks the middle of the year and while beginnings and endings of things are celebrated and remembered, the middle of things often goes unnoticed. Beginnings are times for making resolutions, for creating plans, for bursts of energy. Endings are times for winding down and may involve feelings of completion or loss. But with the proper outlook, considering ourselves as in the middle of things can help us not only to understand life a little better but also to live it a little more meaningfully."  
"Being always in the middle means that the game is never over, hope is never lost, defeat is never final.  For no matter where we are or what our circumstances, an eternity of beginnings and an eternity of endings stretch out before us. We are always in the middle."

So, why am I mentioning this you ask? well, we are right in the middle of the year and this is not the time for us to relax or become complacent but, as President Uchtdorf mentions, we need to continue to work hard. This is a good time to re-take our spiritual checklist and determine if there has been any improvement since the last time. 

1. Do you have your daily personal prayers both morning and night?
2. Do you have daily family prayers both morning and night?
3. Do you have daily personal scripture study?
4. Do you have daily family scripture study?
5. Are you holding weekly family home evening? 
6. If you are a temple member, do you have a current recommend? 
7. If you are a temple member, have you gone to the temple at least once this year?
8. Do you hold a position in your ward? (Visiting teacher/Hometeacher)
9. Do you serve the Lord faithfully to the best of your ability?
10. Are you a full tithe payer?
11. Do you have a picture of the Savior in your home?
12. Do you have a picture of the temple in you home?
13. Do you keep the sabbath day holy?
14. Do you want your score to improve?

Well, how did you do??  If you've done better GREAT!! If you did some backsliding, that's alright just don't dwell on the past. Pick yourself up and do your best TODAY. 

"Yes there will be moments of beginnings and moments of endings throughout our lives, these are only markers along the way of the great middle of our eternal lives. Wether we are at the beginning or the end, young or old, the Lord can use us for His purposes if we simply set aside whatever thoughts limit our ability to serve and allow His will to shape our lives. 

President Uchtdorf