Monday, November 21, 2011


This story was taken from a talk given by Bishop Vaughn J. Featherstone in the November 1975 New Era. It has such a wonderful message that I just had to share it.
Many years ago I heard the story of the son of King Louis XVI of France. King Louis had been taken from his throne and imprisoned. His young son, the prince, was taken by those who dethroned the king. They thought that inasmuch as the king’s son was heir to the throne, if they could destroy him morally, he would never realize the great and grand destiny that life had bestowed upon him.
They took him to a community far away, and there they exposed the lad to every filthy and vile thing that life could offer. They exposed him to foods the richness of which would quickly make him a slave to appetite. They used vile language around him constantly. They exposed him to lewd and lusting women. They exposed him to dishonor and distrust. He was surrounded 24 hours a day by everything that could drag the soul of a man as low as one could slip. For over six months he had this treatment—but not once did the young lad buckle under pressure. Finally, after intensive temptation, they questioned him. Why had he not submitted himself to these things—why had he not partaken? These things would provide pleasure, satisfy his lusts, and were desirable; they were all his. The boy said, “I cannot do what you ask for I was born to be a king.”
Our father is a king and we were all born to be kingʻs and queenʻs. How wonderful life would be if we truly understood our nobility and conducted ourselves accordingly despite the filth, degradation, and pervertedness that may come our way. This world would be a different place if everyone acted and treated one another with the knowledge of our divine potential.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


I hope by now that everyone has had the opportunity to visit our blog and if you werenʻt already reading the scriptures, you have all jumped on the ‘ohana band wagon and begun reading The Book of Mormon.  For those of us who may need a push, a jab, maybe a shove, or a kick (LOL), in the right direction, President Spenser W. Kimball taught the profound principal that PROCRASTINATION leads to the loss of exaltation.
 “One of the most serious human defects in all ages is procrastination, an unwillingness to accept personal responsibilities now. … Many have allowed themselves to be diverted and have become … addicts to mental and spiritual indolence and to the pursuit of worldly pleasure” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Spencer W. Kimball [2006], 4–5).
 Some of you may be wondering what the word indolence means. According to the dictionary, it means the state of having or showing a disposition to avoid exertion; slothful, lazy, idle. We get the picture, right?? So, for those of us who have been "procrastinating"on scripture study or any other important spiritual matter in our lives, Donald Hallstrom of the First Quorum of the Seventy said,

"Now is the time to exercise our faith. Now is the time to commit to righteousness. Now is the time to do whatever is required to resolve our undesired circumstances. Now is the time to reconcile with God through the merciful process of change afforded us by the Redeemer of mankind."

If you are interested, I found some scripture study techniques that may be helpful in your study of, The Book of Mormon. Click here In D&C 88:118 it sayʻs, 
"Seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and also by faith." 

I know that by making the scriptures a meaningful part of our lives we will be blessed as we become "doers" of the word and not "hearers" only;)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Read the Book of Mormon in 100 Days

Our first family scripture study goal will be to read the Book of Mormon. Here is the link,, to the program we will be using. It has the assigned reading for the day, as well as a quote, and a thought question to ponder on. The study of the Book of Mormon comes with great promises that can be ours.

"I feel certain that if in our homes parents will read from the Book of Mormon prayerfully and regularly, both by themselves and with their children, the spirit of that great book will come to permeate our homes and all who dwell therein. The spirit of reverence will increase; mutual respect and consideration for each other will grow. The spirit of contention will depart. Parents will counsel their children in greater love and wisdom. Children will be more responsive and submissive to the counsel of their parents. Righteousness will increase. Faith, hope and charity-the pure love of Christ- will abound in our homes and lives, bringing in their wake, peace, joy, and happiness"          
                                                     President Marion G. Romney
If we all begin this month (Nov. 2011), it will take us into February, 2012.  Please let us know from time to time how you are all doing in your reading scripture goals. If you have learned something new or understand a principal differently or better, please share.  It will certainly help the rest of us too. I am excited to be doing this with all of you and look forward to the growth our family will experience as we make the scriptures a meaningful part of our lives.
                            "You have not failed until you quit trying"  
                                                                                          Gordon B, Hinckley

Watch this video.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Spiritual Checklist

I thought that a spiritual checklist would be a great place for us all to begin. Please take time to go through the list and see where you and your family are right now. We will retake the same test in six months to see how we have improved our scores. Setting goals and being accountable will help us move forward and work toward making progress in our lives.

1. Do you have your daily personal prayers both morning and night?
2. Do you have daily family prayers both morning and night?
3. Do you have daily personal scripture study?
4. Do you have daily family scripture study?
5. Are you holding weekly family home evening?
6. If you are a temple member, do you have a current recommend?
7. If you are a temple member, have you gone to the temple at least once this year?
8. Do you hold a position in your ward? (Visiting teacher/Hometeacher)
9. Do you serve the Lord faithfully to the best of your ability?
10. Are you a full tithe payer?
11. Do you have a picture of the Savior in your home?
12. Do you have a picture of the temple in you home?
13. Do you keep the sabbath day holy?
14. Do you want your score to improve?

Add up all of your individual yes and no answers and post them here in the comments section below. For instance, 6 yes and 8 no, that way we all have an accounting of how we are all doing individually and as a family. There is no judgement involved just some place where we can start to improve our lives. In May of 2012 we will do the same test and see our progress:)