Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Greater Testimony

I heard this story for the first time in my elders quorum meeting.A missionary by the name of Elder Stoeher shared this story with us.After he was done with the story there wasn't a dry eye in the room.Then I heard it again earlier this year in our gospel doctorine class.And the same thing happend again there wasn't a dry eye in the room.This story is one of my favorite stories of all time.I forgot that Elder Stoeher gave us copies of the story.I found it while I was cleaning out my scriptures.And this story just shows how much the savior suffered and it also shows how much he loves us.My testimony has grown much more since I heard this story.You guys might have heard this story but it goes like this

       This story begins in the year nineteen hundred and ninety seven in the seminary class of brother Mac. Bro. Mac had a bunch of donuts that he had gotten a hold of.As to be expected the kids hit him up for donuts. "Bro. Mac. Can we have a donut?"
"Yes as soon as we get class started." So they began to start class. They sang the song and gave the thought and then Bro. Mac read the scripture. It was John chapter 3 verse 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
        Brother Mac started to give donuts out. He started in the back corner of the room with the window next to a desk occupied by John. (now John was not an out going person, plus he was really skinny and not that popular.) Bro. Mac said "John would you like a donut?" Yea he replied. Would you do 10 push-ups for it? "Ok" so he drops and  dose 10 push-ups.
         Cindy would you like a donut? Yes
          John would you do 10 push-ups so Cindy can have a donut. Not expecting this John says umm... yea so he dose 10 push-ups
         Mary would you like a donut? Yes
          John would you do 10 push-ups so Mary can have a donut
          Dave would you like a donut? Yes 
          John would you do 10 push-ups so Dave could have a donut
          Jared woud you like a donut? Yes
          John would you do 10 push-ups so Jared can have a donut
          Brody would You like a donut? No thinking that if he answered no John wouldn't need to do push-ups.
          John would you do 10 push-ups for a donut that Brody doesn't want. Bro. Mac placed the donut on the corner of his desk.
          Jennifer would you like a donut? No
          John would you do 10 push-ups for a donut that Jennifer doesn't want. Bro. Mac placed the donut on the corner of his desk.
Then brother Mac got to Jason. Now Jason was the captain of the football team popular and all that.
          Jason would you like a donut? Yea but I'll do the push-ups. Bro. Mac said Ok you have a 1,000 to do. Jason looked at him and said "I can't do that many push-ups" John, will you do 10 push-ups so Jason can have a donut?
          Sena would you like a donut? No, but he doesn't need to do the push-ups. John would you do 10 push-ups for a donut that Sena doesn't want. By now John was struggling on the push-ups beads of sweat started to form on his face. His skin color had changed from white to bright red.
Bro. Mac continued on.
          Crystal      yes
           Lisa         no
           Misty       yes
           Rob         yes
           Clint        yes
           Nick        no
As John continued to do push-ups. You could tell every push-up was more and more agonizing. His body began to shake.
           Bro. Mac continued on 
           Amanda   no
           Aaron      yes
As the class watched John was nearing the end.
           Alison would you like a donut? Yes as tear ran down her cheek.
           John would you do 10 push-ups so Alison can have a donut.
           Brenda would you like a donut? Yes as tears ran down her face.  
           John would you do 10 push-ups so Brenda can have a donut.
John had finally finished. His weak and frail body struggled to stand from doing well over 300 push-ups as he staggered to his feet. Eric a classmate not in the church had just come to the door. He was running late. The class had noticed him and blurted NO! don't come in. For fear that John couldn't do 10 more push-ups Eric stopped.
           Then a small voice whispered from the back corner of the room. No it's ok let him come in. John got down on the floor and began to do the 10 push-ups. The push-ups that he had done before had taken its toll on his body. He began to cry as he did the last 5. As he finished he staggered to stand up and noticed that everyone was watching him and not one person had a dry eye in the room!
           That day Bro. Mac's class had gained a greater testimony of the Savior.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Kana for posting this story. I heard it before and I love it. I never get tired of hearing it. I cried the first time, and the second time and every time I hear it. This is the perfect time of year as we celebrate his birth, to be reminded of all that he has done for us. Wether we want it or not, if we are thankful or not, or are worthy of it or not, this gift of the Atonement is ours. I hope to strive everyday to be worthy of such a gift.
