Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Mahalo nui loa and Faafetai tele lava to the Ohana

We are grateful for this family blog.  Our parents raised us to be proud of our polynesian heritage but to always remember our eternal heritage.  That we are all children of our Heavenly Father and someday can be together as a family forever.  Dad passing on mom's birthday 11/29/2011 has just confirmed to us that they are with one another and that someday it will be our turn. The three things we most remember about our dad is that 1. You want it, you got it toyota. 2. Never give up cause when one closes another opens 3. Get an education(of course his kids still working on that).

An early memory I have as a family was when we went to the Laie, Hawaii temple to seal Eric to us. Nei,Eric and I were waiting in a waiting area in the temple.  We were all in white and Eric was screaming cuz mom and dad were not with us, but when we were finally able to come together with Dad and mom I felt peace and Eric stopped crying.  Someday I know this scene will happen again.  We will be reunited with them again on the other side.  I look forward to that happy day.

My dad may not have been a perfect man but I realize that none of us are perfect. What I will always remember most about him is that when I got divorced he not only was a grandfather to my girls but a father figure who loved them. He was there for both their births, graduations, school plays, school projects and just there for my girls. Besides being papa he was dad especially to my Niue. They laughed together, played together, talked together, sang together and when my Niue was about to get lickens my dad shielded her. I will be forever grateful to him for the love he gave my children when they needed it. He taught me that family is important, that when the world and friends leave you behind family will be there. My parents are together forever now. They had their own birthday celebration and we weren't invited...When I told a friend about my dad passing on my mothers birthday she said, "How romantic." I never looked at it that way. They will be buried in the area Eternal Love at the Valley of Temples. Those that know my parents story would so understand. As an adult I understand the love they have now. 

Thank you Dino for this blog and to both you and Teura for your love and support.

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